Gas Pool Heaters vs. Electric Pool Heat Pumps

No one likes to swim in cold water, no matter how good your pool is. If you live in a cold area, maybe swimming in the winter is a big problem. There are two ways to heat your pool these days, one is a gas heater and the other is an electric pool heat pump. Is it better to have an electric pool heat pump?


Gas Pool Heaters vs. Electric Pool Heat Pumps


Advantages of gas water heater

1、Faster heating. A gas heater can heat your pool faster, adding 1 to 3 degrees in an hour. This means you can turn on the heat hours before you jump into a warm pool.

2、Low temperature heating. Natural gas has a very low freezing point, so it is an exceptional choice for use in colder climates. In fact, some pool owners use gas heaters to keep their pools open year-round!

3. Affordable upfront costs. The price of an uninstalled gas heater can range from $1500 to $3000. While this may seem like a big change, it is still cheaper than other heating methods.


Advantages of electric pool heat pumps

1. Long life span. Even though there are many moving parts in the unit (such as fans, compressors, condensers, etc.), it can last at least 10 years with regular maintenance. 2.

2. Easy to install. Electric pool heat pumps are relatively easy to install, but they should still be done by a professional because they require proper electrical connections to operate.

3. Energy saving. For those who prefer environmentally friendly products, a heat pump for swimming pools will be your choice. Each year, you may pay between $1,200 and $2,400 in operating costs.


Gas Pool Heaters vs. Electric Pool Heat Pumps

On/Off Swimming Pool Heat Pump


A gas heater is the choice of many pool owners because it is fast and can heat to a higher temperature than a heat pump. If you live in a cooler month and you still want to use your pool, then a gas heater is the best option. Electric pool heat pumps heat water well, but are slower, more expensive, and require a warmer climate to produce warm water - and even then, the water won't be warmer than a gas water heater. That said, if you're fortunate enough to live in a warm climate year-round, an electric heat hump is definitely a good choice in the long run, it just requires more compromise.


Of course, there are those who choose to install both heaters in their pool system. This is accomplished by heating the pool with a gas heater and then using a heat pump to maintain that temperature level. When comparing pool heaters, especially electric pool heaters and heat pumps, they do essentially the same thing, but they also have their own advantages and disadvantages. It's important to take the time to understand these differences and choose the pool heating solution that's right for you.



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