Why is my pool heat pump icing up?

During the winter months, some ice on your pool heat pump is common. However, when the entire unit is covered in ice, your unit will not work properly and may be at risk of damage, so you need to worry.


This article focuses on people who want to use a pool heat pump in the winter. Causes of equipment icing or freezing can include damaged circuits, frozen pools, burst pipes, etc. Ignoring a frozen unit can create major problems.


Causes of pool heat pump icing

The most common cause of pool heat pump icing is a lack of proper care and maintenance. This can lead to damage to the equipment and eventually cause it to freeze.


pool heat pump


Here are some other possible causes of your pool heat pump freezing:


Damaged unit or system

Most heaters come with a defrost unit whose main purpose is to defrost any ice that may have settled in the unit. If the defrost unit fails, the unit will not heat the ice crystals that have frozen in the machine.


In addition, the lower temperature in the evaporator fins compared to the dew temperature in the ambient air can cause condensation to form on the surface of the evaporator fins. When the temperature is 0 degrees Celsius, the ambient air will cause the condensate to frost. Here are some other parts that, if damaged, may cause the machine to freeze.

►Refrigerator charge problem

►Damaged control board unit

►Sensor unit has problem

►Damaged evaporation coils

►Valve failure


Insufficient air flow

Once the refrigerant temperature in a pool heat pump drops below the freezing point, any moisture in the atmosphere will freeze, especially in the condenser coils and evaporator. This can happen if there is not enough airflow through the unit. Insufficient airflow can cause moisture to be trapped in the unit system, which can turn into frost during the cold season.



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