The Most Balanced Refrigerant for Stationary Air Conditioners and Heat Pumps

R32 DC Inverter Heat Pump is not just a heating system, but also a smart hot water heater and air conditioner. The heat pump transfers heat from outdoors to inside during heating and indoors to outdoors during cooling cycles. R32 refrigerant, noise reduction, smart control technology and guaranteed safety make this one of the few progressive models in the market.


R32: The Most Balanced Refrigerant for Stationary Air Conditioners and Heat Pumps


Smaller Impact on Environment

R-32 has zero ODP (Ozone Depletion Potential) and its GWP (Global Warming Potential) is 675. R-32 related CO2 emissions decrease by 76% thanks to the lower GWP and the charging volume reduction.


Increased Efficiency

The heat pump returns 3-5 kW of heat per 1kW of electrical energy used for operation. An average natural gas boiler offers about 98% efficiency. With these heat pump, homeowners can save up to 500% more over burning fossil fuels to heat their home.


Users can expect more efficiency when they leave it continuously running in the background. The heat pump stays running continuously, reducing the heating demand at peak periods. 



Is a DC inverter heat pump worth investing in?

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