Swimming Pool Heat Pump Manufacturer

 Swimming Pool Heat Pump

Swimming Pool Heat Pump

Generally speaking, a heat pump for swimming pools uses a titanium heat exchanger to heat the pool water and maintain a constant temperature through the continuous circulation of the refrigerant. Its working principle is to absorb the heat energy in the air and compress it to higher heat energy by the compressor to heat the pool water.

Specifically, when the heat pump dedicated to the swimming pool works, the high-temperature and high-pressure refrigerant gas is discharged from the compressor and enters the titanium heat exchanger. Then, the heat is released and transferred to the water in the swimming pool. The refrigerant enters the evaporator after turning into a liquid and evaporates into a gas. During the evaporation process, the heat in the air is absorbed.

After the refrigerant evaporates, it enters the compressor and is compressed into high temperature and high pressure gas again. Through this continuous cycle, the water in the swimming pool is heated and maintains a constant temperature.

Our company also sells Swimming Pool Heat Pump, welcome to contact us.



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